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If you are coming as a student, or to work for a particular employer who has filed a petition on your behalf, you can also bring your spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age. They will need their own passports and visas. They may study in the primary and secondary schools in the United States, but unless you are working for your own government or an international government agency (and have the appropriate nonimmigrant status), your dependents may not be employed in the U.S. If your spouse or child wishes to attend college, he or she will need to obtain a student status. The foreign student adviser at the college or university your student will attend can help.

If you have a non-spousal partner (a domestic partner who is not your husband or wife) or if you have domestic servants who have been in your employ for at least one year, they can apply for a special version of the tourist (B-2) or business (B1) visa. This will make it easier for them to renew their stays in the United States.

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